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Here at Quiz Coconut, we see all kinds of team names! The team names that are funny or punny,  crude or lewd… or ones that make you yelp “huh?”.  If you’re twiddling your thumbs at the start of the quiz trying to think of a quiz team name, don’t be an awkward turtle that leaves the dotted line blank –  take a gander at our 100 top picks from our pub quiz company!

* Don’t forget to check out our dedicated Coronavirus Themed Quiz Team Names Blog! *

To start us off, let’s touch base with the basics, the bread and butter of quiz team names. Since the dawn of quizdom, these team names have graced quiz sheets and will most likely continue to be scrawled on the dotted line for many years to come! Anyone working in a pub quiz company, will see these team names time and time again (and again, and again, and again…) but hey, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!



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Standard Quiz Team Names

  1. Quizmasters (or any variation, the quiz-champions etc.)
  2. No Eye Dear
  3. The Winning Team
  4. I am Smarticus
  5. Agatha Quiztie
  6. Team Name
  7. Master Minds
  8. Our Drinking Team Has A Trivia Problem
  9. Simple Minds
  10. Let’s Get Quizzical/Trivial
  11. Eggheads
  12. No Brians
  13. Village Idiots
  14. The A Team
  15. Quizzy McQuizface
  16. The Wise Quacks
  17. Wikipedias
  18. Rugrats
  19. Trial By Trivia
  20. I thought this was speed dating

This is for all you alchooligans out there! Whether you’re a bar fly or just the guy at the bar here for a beer (whey! 3 point combo) we have bibbidi-bobbidi-booze themed team name for you! These pun-tastic alcoholic quiz team names will put you under the table.

Alcohol Related Team NamesBooze Team Names

  1. The Three Must Get Beers
  2. Tequila Mockingbird
  3. Alcohooligans
  4. Blood, Sweat and Beers
  5. Know it Ales
  6. Smarty Pints
  7. Beer Today, Gone Tomorrow
  8. Gin’ll Fix It
  9. Quizzly Beers
  10. Smartinis

Another classic team name: the punny film title! This themed name is sure to be a winner as (almost) everyone is on the joke. Be the director of your own fate, star in your own Oscar-winning hit with a film related team name! Will you win an Oscar for your team name? or be re-cast.

Film Related Team Names Team Name

  1. The Quizzard of Oz
  2. Les Quizerables
  3. You’re a Quizzard Harry
  4. Sherlock Homies
  5. Whiskying Wolverine
  6. Forrest Grump
  7. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Quizadry
  8. The Fellowship of the Quiz
  9. Buckfast at Tiffany’s
  10. Quizpicable Me

Another old chestnut every pub quiz company rolls their eyes at, is the quizzy take on a celebrity name. I bet any quiz host would run out of fingers trying to count how many times they’ve witnessed a Quizteama Aguilera of an E=MC Hammer.  If you’re stuck, these are a go-to that are bound to cause a snicker or two.  Celebrities, show business, famous and historical figures, we have them all here in our top 10 selection of celebrity puns.

Celebrity Pun Team Namesteam name

  1. Eddie Quizzard
  2. Trivia Newton John
  3. E=MC Hammer
  4. Quizteama Aguilera
  5. Quiztopher Collumbus/Columbpoints
  6. Quiz Tarrant
  7. Beyonce Know’Alls
  8. John Triviaolta
  9. Quiztopher Bigwins
  10. Queen Quizzie

Here’s a selection of  tuneful team names that will strike a chord with any music lover. From the nerdy music theory puns to the play on popular music artists names, we’re sure you’ll find something to jazz up your team name from our list.

 Music Pun Quiz Team Names

  1. The B Flats
  2. Red Hot Trivia Peppers
  3. Thin Quizzie
  4. Never Gonna Quiz You Up
  5. Quizzy Pop
  6. I’ve been told I’m pretty sharp.
  7. Quizzes aren’t our forte
  8. Major Problem
  9. Quizee Rascals
  10. I got 99 problems and this quiz is one

Tis the season to be jolly! Getting into the spirit of the season, your friendly neighbourhood pub quiz company, Quiz Coconut,  are are here to spread the team-name cheer. Sleigh-bells are nigh upon us, so if you want to be current,  Christmas themed team name is the way to go. We’ve talking the liberty to compile 10 our of favourite Christmas themed team names – tis after all the season to show love and cheer!

Seasonal Team NamesChristmas Team Names

  1. I wish it could be quiz-mas everyday
  2. Merry Quizmass!
  3. Crimbo Bimbos
  4. The Grinch’s
  5. The Christmas Puddings
  6. Scrooge’s Little Helpers
  7. The Noel-it-alls
  8. Sugar Plum Fairies
  9. Holly Jolly’s
  10. The Wise Men

Quiz Coconut also host Christmas themed corporate quizzes and Christmas office parties! Check out how to make your Christmas a quizmas with us here: Christmas Quizzes

One of the inevitable parts of working for a pub quiz company, is having the team that love to mess with the host! If it’s being super nit-picky, or being generally rowdy, it’s with no question one way to wind us up is to make them look silly over the mic. If that’s giving your host a classic tongue twister, or making them say something rude on the mic, here are our favourites.

Mess With the Host

  1. Red Lorry Yellow Lorry Red Lorry Yellow Lorry…
  2. Actually, In First Place…
  3. Still My Personal Favourites
  4. I like this Name
  5. I’m the One
  6. Please Turn Down My Microphone
  7. And in last place…
  8. Who farted? (or the classic, hoof hearted)
  9. I can’t read this
  10. This is not a drill-please evacuate the pub

Right from the horses mouth! We’ve assembled our top pub quiz company host’s favorite quiz team names. Take a look at what impressed them the most!

Picked By the Hosts

  1. Tinder Surprise
  2. Quiztopher Quiztopherson
  3. Risky Quizness
  4. Sex, Drugs and Sausage Rolls
  5. Whiskeypedia
  6. ET – Extra Terrifics
  7. One wheel short of a unicycle
  8. Designated Quizzers
  9. Game of Phones
  10. We Know Nothing John Snow
  11. Taking Care of Quizness
  12. Too much liquor makes me quizzee!
  13. In Dog Beers, We’ve Only Had One
  14. Periodic Table Dancers
  15. Never trust atoms, they make up everything.
  16. Slice of Pi
  17. Bed, Bar and Beyond
  18. Queen Quizzie
  19. A Little Bit Physics
  20. Google

There you have it! Are there any you feel we should add to the list? Do you have any favourites? What have we missed?  Please get in touch! James@quizcoconut.co.uk


About The Author

20 thoughts on “TOP 100 QUIZ TEAM NAMES”

  1. A quiz team’s success can sometimes rely on (or, more likely, be hampered by) copious amounts of alcohol, and in the pub setting, what better way to celebrate the boozy camaraderie than with these drink based names?

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